Our Products for earthmoving & building sites
At Bohnenkamp, dealers, manufacturers and commercial-vehicle repairers can find robust tyres and wheels suitable for the challenging work in quarries, landfills or construction sites. As a rule, our individually suited tyre or rim solutions for earthmoving are in stock and we supply them via our reliable ‘day-to-day’ Europe-wide tyre logistics service. Our exemplary availability of goods provides your business with planning capabilities and security, from which you and your customers can benefit in equal measures. Furthermore, Bohnenkamp is regarded as one of the leading names for individually produced, configured and assembled complete wheels.

In the last few years, ever more new products with partly highly-specialised performance profiles have entered the market. They increasingly meet customer requests in view of operating costs, outstanding performance and tailor-made solutions. You will find the right tyres for all EM commercial vehicles here, such as wheel loaders, dump trucks, excavators, rollers or skid loaders.

Manufacturers, dealers and repairers get ‘their’ complete wheel customised and fully assembled. Our wheels service ranges from electronic wheel configurators to precise pre-production calculation making use of an efficient infrastructure with 17 stations for day-to-day production of large volumes up to the delivery of complete wheels straight to your production line.

Bohnenkamp manages a range of rims from all renowned rim manufacturers and has more than 10,000 items of the most diverse designs available from stock. However, together with major brands we also develop customised rims according to your specifications in respect of colour, pitch diameter, offsets and connecting dimension. Working alongside you, our rim experts will find the best-possible solution for your requirements - please contact us.

You can choose your optimal product from our range of more than 5,000 different tubes. Whether standard, group or single tube, flap, air or hydroflation valve. You can always find a suitable and durable inner structure for your wheel from our selection of tubes.